Saturday, February 03, 2007

I have a problem

I like to shop. When I'm happy, I buy things for others. When I am sad I buy things for myself.

Be it candy, porn, or cute/sexy/racy underwear; the same craving for instant gratification is there. Last Saturday I sought out to buy an electric alarm clock. Instead I bought the above.

Obviously this can become an issue. But the question is what to do about it?

1 comment:

RainbowAfterTheTears said...

Wear it and get use out of it, as most underclothing is unreturnable.
In other cases however, try and explore other options of pick me ups or ways to keep your mood up.
as for instant gratification, try some instand oatmeal when you're down, or instantly pop in some upbeat music to keep you're mood up when you're happy. I know its hard, so as long as you try to cut back you'll be fine.